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Executive Coaching

"Create whatever causes a revolution in your heart"

- Elizabeth Gilbert

Executive coaching is at the heart of the services that I provide as part of the Ginkgo Tree. Because if you don't know what's in your heart, how will the rest of you know where to go?


Coaching has been my passion, since before I even realised it. I love to find out what makes people tick, to find out what brings that glimmer in their eye, and to support them in any way possible to live their dream. 


When was the last time you stopped to take stock of your big picture?

Where are you going?

And where are you now?

Is this still the road that you prefer?

What could make it even better?


It's an honour every time to join my clients on a small part of their journey. It's one of my favourite things. 

And when you're up for a pit stop along the way, I am here for you. To help you clarify your purpose, set your goals and support you in achieving them.


Because I am a strong believer in having it all. As long as it is your all. 


Curious? Let's have a chat!

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